Sunday, October 12, 2008

Get out and Vote!
Time for your voice to be heard.

Why did we create this video?

I asked D Smith to help me create this video out of a personal belief that all American Citizens should vote and my personal goal to empower others to believe that their voice can be heard and they can have a direct impact in our government through their one vote.

While there are many reasons to vote (just watch the video), I ask that all eligible voters vote for two reasons:
1) Out of respect for the women and men who have come before us, dedicating their lives' work so that we could be born into this amazing privilege; and
2) Out of respect for those in our world who are still voiceless with their government.

Please vote on November 4th and please pass this link to as many people you know to motivate a positive enthusiasm for this democratic process.

Many Thanks,

Sarah Brown


The Withrow (K) said...

I love it.

One thing that has been highlighted as we have been living in Canada is our incredible privilege that we hold with our vote. So many of our Canadian friends (and I am sure this is not just Canada) would jump at the chance to have a vote in this election. I feel so honored to be able to have my little say in what the next few years will look like. This is such a crucial time for us within the global community.

Anonymous said...

I know that even one vote counts. In our city mayoral primary, I didn't vote, and my candidate lost by one vote! My husband didn't vote either, and if we had both voted, our candidate would have had the one vote margin to win. It's probably the first election that I haven't voted in a very long time (it was around the time that my father-in-law died and I think we just had so much going on that we totally let it get by us). Anyway, one vote really will make a difference! I won't let this happen again!